Orgone Energy Pocket Stones

Clear Negativity From Your Life & Relax in HarmonicUplifting Frequencies 

Filter energy in your environment and strengthen your body's energy by clearing blockages. Our Crystal Stons are perfect for meditation, Chakra work, and Reiki healing!

Citrine - Bring joy, wonder, and enthusiasm to every part of your life with citrine. It’s said to help you release negative traits from your life like fear, and in turn help encourage optimism, warmth, motivation, and clarity. It’s also claimed to enhance mindful qualities, like creativity and concentration.

Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation. It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression.

Amethyst - This purple stone is said to be incredibly protective, healing, and purifying. It’s claimed it can help rid the mind of negative thoughts and bring forth humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom.

 All of our pyramids are handmade with love and are quality assured! We're not perfect, and we know it! If you find any issues at all with your pyramid, we'll get another one made and sent out for you!

Filter Toxic Energy In Your Surroundings

Our pyramids are created on the theory that a special combination of metals, organic resin, and crystals orgonite stones help with a huge variety of issues such as anxiety, stress, tiredness, love and more. Dr Wilhelm Reich first developed orgonite - now you can improve your own wellbeing by surrounding yourself with our pyramid gems.


Helps with mood, focus and motivation

Our stones help neutralize electronic smog (EMF) from mobile phones, phone towers, Wi-Fi, computers and electronic devices that you're exposed to daily. There are hidden dangers of being around electronic devices daily which can inhibit your mood and increase stress - our pyramid gems help block this and clear your head!